
Physical Hydrometeorology

ATM425 Syllabus

ATM625 Syllabus

Difference between ATM425 and ATM625: I try to balance the interests of undergraduate and graduate students. Therefore, I will assign special tasks for graduate students that probe the material assigned at the graduate level. The same applies for the undergraduate level. This mean there are distinct differences in the degree of difficulty in the assignments in accord with the different goals of the learning outcome. This means among other things that over the timeframe of the class, graduate students 1) will have additional reading and/or video watching assignments to achieve the learning outcomes at the graduate level, 2) will be required to discuss results under a given aspect (while undergraduate students are not asked to do so), 3) will be required to read a research review paper relevant to the topic of the respective unit, 4) will always be assigned different or additional homework problems at a higher degree of difficulty that will probe applying methods discussed in the additional readings/videos, and/or 5) will have to answer additional or different questions on the questionnaires, 6) will be required to summarize the material in less than 200 words in the questionnaire, 7) will be asked to program simple concepts, and 8) will get quizzes and exams that also probe for the material related to the additional learning outcomes. In other words, tasks designed for graduate students will require skills that undergraduate students usually do not have yet (e.g. programming) and/or that are not an expected learning goal at the undergraduate level (e.g. making reasonable assumptions, justify assumption, testing of the limits of assumptions, identify data not needed to solve the question, just to mention a few points). Exams and quizzes will have additional tasks to be solved at the graduate level. Thus, make always sure you solve the tasks assigned for graduate students to be best prepared for the quizzes and exams. Note that (just) solving the problems at the undergraduate level will not prepare you sufficiently to pass the quizzes and exams at the graduate level.

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