Groundwater and its roles in the regional water cycle
This unit cover the role of ground water in hydrometeorology with respect to storing of water in the ground, ground water flow, as well as the regional water balance.

The goal of this unit is to identify and discuss the role of groundwater in the hydrological cycle in the lithosphere.
After successful completion of this unit students will be able to
- Explain the types of aquifers, unconfined and confined aquifers, and aquitards
- Quantify groundwater in terms of soil properties
- Discuss the storage, and transmission properties of different aquifers including residence and response times
- Explain the role of topography, geology, permafrost and climate for groundwater

Students’ tasks
- Read Dingman’s Chapter Chapter 9. to 9.2.5 (included)
- Watch this video
- Fill out the questionnaire prior to Thursday 2359 Alaska time
- Solve the tasks assigned at your class level in this Unit 14 Applications sheet. You will need this unit 14 excel spread sheet for your assignment.
Complimentary material
This webpage has definitions of groundwater related terms and explanations of relevant processes.
Data resources
Data of wells up to the current year of the High Plains Aquifer Groundwater Network
Q: What is the differences between a confined and not confined aquifer?
A: Take a close look at this schematic view to see the difference. A confined aquifer has a confining, impermeable layer (e.g. a permafrost layer) below and above.

Q: There are so many new terms. A schematic view to memorize them would be helpful.

Q: Why do confined and unconfined aquifers react differently to pumping?
A: In unconfined aquifers, pumping dewaters saturated space and takes notable amounts of water from storage per unit volume of ground material in the depression cone . In confined aquifers, the entire layer of the aquifer keeps being saturated during pumping. While the pumping decreases the water head and water pressure in the of depression cone . The decrease yields the groundwater to expand which compressed the soil matrix of the aquifer. The amount of water taken from the storage per unit volume of ground material in the depression cone is much smaller than for an unconfined aquifer. Consequently, the storage coefficients differ by orders of magnitude.
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