This unit introduces teleconnections as a mechanism where hydrometeorological conditions at one place may affect and impact hydrometeorological conditions in far away regions. The term “teleconnection pattern” refers to recurring, persistent, large-scale circulation anomalies. These teleconnection patterns are preferred modes of low-frequency, i.e. temporal variability on the long time scale. Teleconnections arte of hydrometeorological interest because they may cause droughts and floods.

The goal of this unit is to introduce the major teleconnections affecting the hydroclimate on Earth including indices to identify them.
After successful completion of this unit students will be able to
- Calculate various hydrometeorologically relevant climate indices
- Discuss teleconnections that cause droughts and floods in which regions.
- Explain how teleconnections work (Graduate students)
Students’ tasks
- Read Dingman’s Chapter 1.9 to (included), 2.1.6 to (included), to (included)
- Read the following Climate Prediction Center page on teleconnection, NAO, East Atlantic pattern EA,
East Atlantic / Western Russia pattern (EATL / WRUS) aka Eurasia-2, Scandinavian pattern (SCAND) aka Eurasia-1, Polar / Eurasia pattern, West Pacific pattern (WP), East Pacific – North Pacific pattern (EP-NP), Pacific / North American pattern (PNA), Tropical / Northern Hemisphere pattern (TNH), Pacific Transition pattern (PT)
- Watch these movies on the explanation of teleconnection and El Nino, teleconnections and La Nina, Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Graduate students: Watch this simulation of the MJO
- Take notes and fill out the questionnaire
- Down load the unit 23 excel spread sheet and solve the Unit 23 applications tasks assigned at your class level and submit your results prior to the deadline.
Supplemental material
Listing of all major climate indices including definition and how to determine them.
Monthly tabulated indices for all teleconnection pattern amplitudes dating back to 1950.
Cool link with tons of climate indices calculations
Play the Unit 23 jeopardy
The source of the movie material is the COMET ® Website at of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), sponsored in part through cooperative agreement(s) with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) ©1997-2010 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. All Rights Reserved.
© 2019 Nicole Mölders | All rights reserved